October 30, 2012


I'm moving soon (again, I know) and in preparation for that, I'm trying to really analyze what I have vs. what I need. I've been inspired to do this by quite a few things. That Kind of Woman and Bleubird Vintage are two blogs I follow whose aesthetic I am in love with. Here are a few things I'm doing to weed out the unnecessary:

1. Buffalo Exchange: I've been whittling down my wardrobe to the things that I wear most. This has consisted of taking the things that I no longer wear but still have a good life left in them to Buffalo Exchange, selling my clothes for store credit and using said credit to procure new/used clothes that have more longevity to them. Classic pieces.
2. De-Cluttering: This project I've barely started on but I'm one of those people who has a desk that gets piled with papers FAST. Everything from junk mail, bills, homework, handouts, doodles -they all end up on my desk. A big challenge once I make my way through the slough will be keeping that mess at bay more permanently.
3. Cleaning Up: It's so simple. Just cleaning up after myself has really helped me to see where there I have excess of something. Soon I'll get around to donating some of those ne'er used items to Goodwill.

In the meantime, here are some of the minimalistic spaces that have been inspiring me. Maybe you'll de-clutter too!

All of these were found on That Kind of Woman's blog. Be sure to check out Bleubird Vintage as well as the Free People blog -they're worth the gander.


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