January 01, 2012


Well, it's here. 2012. The year that supposedly the world is going to end. If this is the case then I'm going to try to make this year count. I've applied for an internship and have started to pursue other internship opportunities for the summer, I'm determined to throw myself into school since this is the time when I really start to learn about design, and I'm going to make an effort to keep the people who truly matter close to me -even though the majority of those people live 1500 miles away. I don't have a list of resolutions but if I did it would probably include staying on top of classes -even the ones I think are uninteresting, drawing more, listening to more music and taking more pictures (my parents got me a BEAUTIFUL camera for Christmas so that helps with the motivation), and making time for myself as well as friends. The year is off to a good start, I had a fantastic afternoon with two of the greatest ladies I've met here at school -Grace and Celeste, you two are awesome.  I also used a gift card I received for Christmas to get myself some new sheets so I'll be slumbering soundly this evening. I'll try to post regularly... there should be a post coming up with some of my design work so keep an eye out! Here's a sigh of relief that the holidays are over. Now let's see where the year takes me... New York, perhaps? Cheers!
A photo of my bookshelf...I love how Follow Your Dreams is next to the globe. 

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