April 19, 2013

This Is What Happens...

when you're alone in the print lab on a friday night, waiting for the epson 7600 to finish a job...

April 12, 2013

There Is Something Beautiful in Solitude

there is something beautiful in solitude; something refreshing about walking alone under the clouds and streetlights, catching snippets of conversations through open windows and from passersby -being wrapped up in thoughts that will never be shared, observing things in a way only you, yourself appreciate or understand in that moment. There is something beautiful in being alone. 

April 05, 2013

April 4, 2013... A Picture An Hour

...Well almost every hour. I was very busy once 1:00 rolled around, planning out my senior projects, presenting them along with past projects to my professor and discussing what I should improve upon for my final senior portfolio (YIKES!!), and running to work from class. I think I'll make this a regular thing, not that this blog has anything really, truly regular happening on it. But I'm going to try to change that. I know I keep saying that, but this time, I mean it. I REALLY mean it.

9:00 Woke Up

10:00 Grabbed Coffee and Went to Class

11:00 My Lovely MacBook

12:00 Research & Sketching

2:00 Letter of Intent Off to Austin

3:00 Workin'

4:00 Wilson Pre-Haircut

5:00 Wilson Post-Haircut

6:00 Went to the Lab

7:00 X-Files & Research in the Lab

8:00 Micron Bruises & Sketches & Research

9:00 Puddle-Ridden Walk Through Campus

note: all of these were taken with my iPhone 5 and edited with VSCO Cam